How To Evolve Your Founder Hero

The race is on!

2 min readJan 12, 2023


Our Founder Hero NFTs are dynamic and evolve over time, and now we can reveal the first steps in the process. Since the release of these heroes, a couple of important things have happened.

Holders have been airdropped a broken piece of Quantus energy. This broken piece is part of the key that unlocks hero evolution. The other half is within a Shatterpoint portal that players must find.

To find the portal, players must complete the #PuzzlesToThePortal metapuzzle and head to the secret website that the challenge will reveal.

Use these answers from the 5 previous Shattering Puzzles to piece together the way to The Secret Portal:


Now you must solve this sixth and final puzzle to discover the location of the secret website.

Once you arrive at the secret website, you’ll be able to connect your wallet and burn your airdropped NFT Quantus piece to unlock the portal and go through it, evolving your Founder Hero NFT in the process! Once your evolution has been completed, refresh your NFT’s metadata to reveal your mysterious evolution!

The button will look like this

Note that to complete this process, you’ll need to use a browser wallet extension and pay gas fees.

Only the first 650 of you will get to evolve your hero — so the race is on! Good luck!

Shatterpoint team




The first skill-based, Free-to-Play, blockchain action RPG game for mobile!